Friday, June 20, 2014


The Way to Realize your Personal Growth Goals
with Radical Writing 

Conscious, nonjudgmental observation produces change.
Heisenberg’s Law of Uncertainty,
the foundation of quantum physics 

Radical Writing is a technique of uncensored writing that brings your deepest desires, hidden motivations, and unidentified obstacles safely into focus so that you can consciously choose how to act  -- or not act -- upon them. This method of self-exploration creates a safe place to vent, act out, fantasize, take revenge, grieve, destroy, and plead. It provides an unconditionally accepting confessor and private oracle all in one.
Moving from “trance-formation” to transformation

Regardless of whether the transformation we seek is from deprivation to abundance, from disease to health, from struggle to ease, or from unrelenting ambition to relaxation, the change cannot be made in leaps and bounds. Safely, the process can be taken only one step at a time. Leaps, in the physical world, require muscle and choreography. Unpracticed, they are dangerous to body and spirit and can leave us cripplingly unbalanced. Imbalance fosters doubt, doubt prompts fear, and fear leads to regression and paralysis. Only a step-by-step progression allows us the security we need for successful and sustained transformation.

Radical Writing teaches The Six Universal Principles of Transformation as a foundation upon which we can take incremental steps in the outer world while indulging leaps of the imagination. The more mindful we become of how these principles operate in our lives, the more quickly and accurately we will be able to identify underlying motivations for our feelings and actions.

The practice of recognizing these principles in our own minds and in others’ actions intensifies our abilities to observe and intuit. Applying the principles trains us to hear more clearly our own thoughts and beliefs, to observe more keenly how the world mirrors these thoughts and beliefs, and to sense more acutely how and where the activity of the conscious and subconscious minds affects our physical bodies.

By practicing The Six Universal Principles of Transformation, we increase our awareness of exactly how we create, promote, and/or allow chronic situations to perpetuate in our lives. When we apply the principles to recollections of our own history, we see how our thoughts affected our levels of power—some thoughts magnifying it, others insidiously or flagrantly leeching it from the cells of tissues where memory is stored.

“Wait a minute! You’re telling me that I’m creating, promoting, and allowing for the pain in my life and the disruption of my happiness?” you might wonder.

Yes, I am saying exactly that.

“How could weak men who are terrified of commitment, demanding women who are impossible to satisfy, parasitic children who refuse to take responsibility for their own lives, corporate downsizing, unfair child support laws, headaches, backaches, allergies, PMS, chronic fatigue, cancer, or addiction be of my creation?” writers want to know.

The answer is simple—and a great rub to the ego. Chronic issues or patterns serve to keep us enrolled in our stories. They perpetuate the trances we have cast upon ourselves in our chosen roles -- as victim, survivor, rescuer, loyal supporter, traitor, savior, romantic, realist, good parent, black sheep, scapegoat. We break the spell simply by recognizing and
non-judgmentally observing what we have done in the past and continue to do in the present to create, promote, or allow our pain. These are:

The Six Universal Principles
of Transformation

1. What you resist persists.
2. What you acknowledge increases.
3. What you withhold is withheld from you.
4. All perception is projection.
5. You get not what you want, but what you believe.
6. What you give out is what you want most.

To learn more about these powerful principles and how to incorporate them into your personal growth plan, go to

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