Friday, July 11, 2014

How Creative Writing Propels Personal Growth!

Baseball great David Ortiz was the once-ferocious hitter who could not hit anymore. His futility grew week after week and left the Boston Red Sox wondering if he would ever be formidable again. When Ortiz was beyond weary about being unproductive, he decided it could not hurt him to try to an altogether different approach to resolving his problem. He decided to play the carefree 12-year-old he once was. He simply woke up one morning and told himself “to act like a kid and just go and play baseball, that’s it.” Ortiz stopped taking extra batting practice, stopped obsessing over videotapes and stopped listening to every tidbit of advice. Not long afterward, he became a solid hitter again.  He is still playing today, years later, near retirement, but still a kid.

The point of this story is to demonstrate the power of the left brain, the side of our neural anatomy that works analytically, logically, processes everything as if it were measurable data. Today research has shown that when trying to solve a problem—any type of problem -- it can be greatly beneficial to go offline, mentally. That is, rather than fixating on analysis, a more productive approach is to engage the right brain and allow your thoughts to wander. The result: fear diminishes, new ideas flow, and your personal growth surges.
The left brain is the seat of scientific, logical, or linear thinking which is based on the objective weighing of fact and detail. The left brain calls on a mode of seeing devoid of imagination, and therefore incapable of refreshing the conscious mind and anxious body. Right brain thinking, on the other hand, is nonliteral, nonlogical, instinctual. It draws on the imagination and is therefore imbued with imagery color, texture, and detail. Determinations, such as Ortiz’s to return to an “instinctive” way of playing, are invigorating. They interrupt futile repetition and propel personal growth by introducing new energy and ideas into stagnant situations.

Creative writing workshops, such as RADICAL WRITING, allow the hand, work with the right brain to allow your fingers rather than your head to do your thinking. The result is an immediate intimacy with your thoughts in a safe, supportive creative environment. By writing out feelings in the free and exaggerated way RADICAL WRITING teaches your become fluently self-expressive. The writing stimulates awareness and thereby perpetuates personal growth. This act of writing purely for self-expression alchemizes your mental activity and provides fuel for liberation, creativity, transformation, and healing.

Right-brain writing, which is to say creative writing, provides direct access to the imagination. As it expands your awareness, your instincts grow keener. You relax in making choices and decisions. You breathe easier. RADICAL WRITING makes creative writing as fluid as a reflex. RADICAL WRITING makes personal growth effortless. RADICAL WRITING holds up to you a forgiving mirror in which, like David Ortiz, you can go out again and play.

 For more information on creative writing go to:

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