Monday, June 23, 2014

Creative Writing Workshops – What Do You Gain!

As the authors of the stories we tell ourselves – about ourselves and everything around us – we have the power to recast, reframe, redirect, and reinterpret the action in our own personal dramas, whether we acknowledge this power of not. The most significant benefits to creative writing workshops such as Radical Writing are the power and focus they bring to our ability to act in the world. Radical Writing shows us how we have been serving, consciously or unconsciously, as the novelists of our own lives. The discovery of our fictions and their “re-visioning”  (i.e. revising by seeing differently) makes us conscious authors of scenes past, present, and future. Creative writing processes like Radical Writing offer power-building tools that enlarge our focus and make us more effective at applying our personal power.

Our subconscious minds record every thought and every feeling we have, whether mundane or profound, subtle or overt. The act of simple observation of these thoughts and feelings releases them into conscious awareness. Radical Writing enables us to return to a state of pure responsiveness within the sanctuary of the page or keyboard where we can express ourselves in uncensored abandon.

A sanctuary is a place for worship and cultivation of spirit. It is a place of safety and refuge. At times this means a place of order and tranquility, a retreat away from disharmony. At other times it means a place to indulge in creativity, to seek meaning in life, to do the work of transformation, which often calls for descent into pain and chaos. A sanctuary is a hallowed setting in which the work of transformation can be undertaken safely, a hallowed ground in which to embrace our shadows. Radical Writing provides just such a sanctuary.

When stepping from the world of one belief system into that of another, we must feel protected, enveloped in a climate of reassurance. Our old stories have provided us only with illusions of safety. Now you can look to your writing as a safe place to create new stories, unbound by the familiar restraints or old parameters. The process allows us to forego the expectations we typically have when we are talking or interacting.

The more we consciously cultivate awareness, the keener our instincts grow. We relax in making choices and decisions. We breathe easier. The resulting shifts in our tastes, interests, and perspectives erase “blocks” to creativity. We achieve a level of fierce focus that is instrumental in bringing about manifestation. Like all creative acts,  Radical Writing is full of surprises.

Learn more about Radical Writing and Laura Cerwinske’s other courses at

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